Winter hotpot, duck broth is the star


Duck in Wenzhou is like turkey in America. All parts of the duck are put to good use, particularly as a soup base. Markets in Wenzhou feature dried pieces and parts of the duck and other animals, so there is no need to go out and find a whole bird.chinese-supermarket-cooked-meat


The chef in charge can simmer the duck pieces for some amount of time before the actual hotpot festivity starts.   Here is a typical home table with lettuce, different types of mushrooms, thin sliced pork, Chinese-style meatballs, scallions, different types of noodles.  There is also a spicy sauce that diners can add to their own eating bowl, rather than make the common broth too spicy for some.  The heat source is electric, a very standard home cooking appliance that can alternate between boil and simmer.


This is enough food for at least 6 people in this picture.  Please  always come to my home with a healthy appetite, particularly on hotpot night.

Author: cjgberg

I am the Medical Library Director for the Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine.

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